Pack of Acrylic Colors for Belle Poule Model - Complete Set of Paints

All the Acrylic Colors Necessary to Paint the Belle Poule Model

Buy the Belle Poule Acrylic Model Paint Kit: White, Black, Red and Others

Price :

39,99 IVA 22% inc.


The pack includes the colours, stains and varnishes necessary for the perfect finish of the Belle Poule.

19141    Bitumen of Judea Acrylic 30 ml.

19142    Acrylic Primer 30 ml.

19300    White Acrylic 30 ml.

19301    Black Acrylic    30 ml.

19383   Dark red Acrylic 30 ml.

19209   Satin varnish 100 ml.

19210   Sapelli Acrylic Dye 100 ml.

19212   Sapelli Acrylic Dye 100 ml.


Weight : 0.00 Kg

Le spese di trasporto sono gratuite in Italia per ordini superiori a 50,00 €


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