Dusek Mamoli Santa Maria: Assembly Kit for the Famous Navigators' Ship

Details and Characteristics of the Santa Maria Model

The Iconic Ship of the Discovery of the New World

Price :

244,99 IVA 22% inc.




What were the ships of the great discovery of the New World like? Tradition always speaks of three caravels, a fast ship with a light hull, more masts and various sails. Scholars advise that, in reality, Columbus' fleet was composed of 2 caravels, Nina and Pinta, and a "nao", Santa Maria, a boat with 3 masts, 2 square sails and a lateen sail, and equipped of a bow deck which places it among the carrack class. However, don't let the Santa Maria's small size fool you. The strong construction, the nautical knowledge of the time, together with the perception of the great sailor, allowed such a great undertaking. The year 1492 is a historical date known throughout the world.

Length: 790 mm

Height: 565 mm


Weight : 0.00 Kg

Le spese di trasporto sono gratuite in Italia per ordini superiori a 50,00 €


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