OcCre "Wagon" model - Freight Wagon Symbol of Railway Development

Discover the OcCre "Wagon" model to build

Details and Characteristics of the Wagon Freight Car

Price :

94,99 IVA 22% inc.


Model to build "Wagon" OCCRE

Code: OCC_56002

Scale 1:32

L 310mm/H 140mm/W 108mm

During the early 1900s we witnessed a notable development of the railway network and related rail transport, obviously not only for the transfer of passengers, but also and above all of goods.

Therefore the Wagon freight car represents the symbol of this development, particularly in Europe.

The main feature is given by its adaptability to any type of transport based on the type of goods involved.


Weight : 0.00 mg

Le spese di trasporto sono gratuite in Italia per ordini superiori a 50,00 €


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