Occre Mercedes Frigate: Assembly Kit for Historic Wooden Frigates

Details and Characteristics of the Mercedes Frigate

A Historic Model to Build for Naval Modeling Enthusiasts

Price :

339,99 IVA 22% inc.


Model to build "Mercedes frigate frigate" OCCRE

Code: OCC_14007

Scale 1:85

L 845mm/H 640mm/W 365mm

Spain declared war against Great Britain in December 1804 and suffered a catastrophic defeat at Trafalgar in October 1805.

The Spanish Royal Armada had 4 frigates, including the Mercedes and their defeat also represented the end of the his regular expeditions between the old and new world.

It was the Mercedes that was the last to transport ingots from the new world to the Spanish court just before Trafalgar.

In fact, ships captured in battle became the property of the of whoever had captured them.

The Occre Mercedes is a wooden frigate to build and paint. It has two large masts where beautiful cotton sails are hung and many twists of rope joined by wooden eyelets, it is a very impactful ship. The hull is very beautiful with a yellow colored part where the 34 cannons are highlighted.


Weight : 0.00 mg

Le spese di trasporto sono gratuite in Italia per ordini superiori a 50,00 €


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