Occre Mississippi Boat: Wooden Steamboat Assembly Kit

Details and Characteristics of the Mississippi Boat

An Icon of the Mississippi River to Build for Modeling Enthusiasts

Price :

262,99 IVA 22% inc.


Model to build "Mississippi boat" OCCRE

Code: OCC_14003

Scale 1:80

L 740mm/H 325mm/W 150mm

The steamboat Mississipi is defined as the king of the river of the same name, approximately 4000km long which flows into the Gulf of Mexico and which is perhaps the most famous in the world.

You can To say that going to New Orleans and not taking a cruise on this boat is equivalent to having visited the city. only on postcard.

It is a boat driven by two great characteristics, it seems that it will remain imprinted in the tourist's mind because it is only in this way will it be possible to savor the atmosphere of this mythical city and I will to the warm rhythm of jazz music played live.

This beautiful Mississippi vessel by Occre is a very detailed boat is faithful reproduction of the original. Its main feature is the paddle or wheel placed behind the boat that pushes it


Weight : 0.00 mg

Le spese di trasporto sono gratuite in Italia per ordini superiori a 50,00 €


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