Occre Galleone Apostolo Felipe: Assembly Kit for Historic Wooden Sailing Ships

Details and Characteristics of the Galleon Apostolo Felipe

A majestic model to build for naval modeling enthusiasts

Price :

299,99 IVA 22% inc.


Model to build "Apostol Felipe Galleon" OCCRE

Code: OCC_14000

Scale 1:60

L 785mm/H 695mm/W 310mm

The Galleon Apostolo Felipe is a beautiful vessel completely made of wood, those who have a passion for naval modeling will find here truly satisfaction in building it. Having been a flagship there are also the details of the cannons, the sacred images are beautiful, the gold-colored detail on the stern. The galleon has two large masts and a smaller one with beautiful white sails hanging from it, the lamppost and other small details. The galleon needs to be painted and when it will be painted built will have the following dimensions L 785mm, H 695mm, W310mm

This model has a difficulty average is not recommended as a first model.

We hope you have fun making this beautiful model.

The Galleon Apostol Felipe entered the sea in 1629 and was used by King Felipe IV on the route between Spain and the Indies for the transport of gold and precious stones.

In 1633 it became the flagship of the Spanish fleet and participated in this capacity in the reconquest of Pernambuco in Brazil.


Weight : 0.00 mg

Le spese di trasporto sono gratuite in Italia per ordini superiori a 50,00 €


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