Occre Caribbean Buccaneer: Wooden Pirate Ship Assembly Kit

Details and Features of the Buccaneer Model

An Easy Pirate Ship to Build for Enthusiasts

Price :

135,99 IVA 22% inc.


Building model "Caribbean Buccaneer" OCCRE

Code: OCC_12002

Scale 1:100

Dimensions: L 565mm/H 450mm/W 230mm

If we look at the Buccaneer model, pirates immediately come to mind with all their stories and adventures. From the name itself it is clear that this vessel sailed mainly in the Caribbean area, it is a very beautiful vessel completely made of wood to be painted with many cotton sails and many embellishments also on the gold colored hull and the characteristic black pirate flag with the skull and two crossed swords. This vessel has a difficulty low in being built.

In common language we often use the terms PIRATES, BUCANIERS, FILIBUSTERS, CORSARIERS interchangeably.

But in fact there were substantial differences between them.

For example  the Corsairs sailed and fought in the service of a Nation, even if, like pirates, they appropriated a good half of their assets. of the loot after a won battle and often attacked merchant ships and thus received immunity. , if owned of adverse nations.

The Pirates, on the contrary, made no difference whatsoever about who they met at sea and they were all prey to be raided.

The main difference, however, was in the consequences of one's actions and that is Captured Pirates were summarily executed while Corsairs were treated like any other prisoners of war.

The common denominator for all was the instrument used in their raids: the ships of pirates and corsairs or bunaniers were generally stolen ships, renamed by their captain, with larger dimensions and types. various, come on  Geleoni, to the Brigantines up to the large Frigates.

 The BUCCANNER represents one of the symbolic ships of the period of maximum "splendor" of pirates and corsairs, i.e. the 17th century. and 18° century


Weight : 0.00 mg

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